Rules and Restrictions

Mind your belongings

Solve problems without fighting

Be polite with all the adults

Give a well-presented work

Listen carefully to your teachers

Have all your school supplies


Learn your lessons well

Clean hands is a must from time to time

Organize your roles in the school

Get in the class as soon as your teacher is in.

Do not cheat.

D’ont swing on your chair and sit straight

Raise your hand to answer

Always be on time

Do not chat in the classroom

Keep your things in order

Please read the following to be acknowledged of our school rules and attendance

1) Presence

Full attendance and punctuality are vital for the students in order to gain full benefit from the learning process. All students should be in their places in the classroom before the morning bell and after breaks. There is no break between consecutive lessons and students stay in their room and prepare their materials for the next class .

Students are auto-absent if they are not in class by the time the lesson starts. Students who are absent will not be admitted to class before submitting a valid excuse (a medical report or a letter signed by their parents or guardians), who will then issue them with an entry permission slip. In cases of repeated lateness of students Grade 5 and above, they must go to the administration. Any absence not justified is considered unexcused and appropriate action will be taken.

Students cannot leave their class or school during school hours including breaks for any reason unless they have permission from the Headmaster or his assistant. Primary school children may not leave the school campus unless they are collected by their guardians/ parents.

Parents should consult the administration before keeping their children away from the school.

2) Books

On the first day of school, the class teacher will give the academic books to their students. Each child’s books are kept in class and are only sent home on completion of the work.  Students are required to purchase notebooks, writing and coloring pencils, a pencil sharpener, an eraser, wax crayons and a ruler. Please be advised that each student is responsible for all school-owned books which are damaged or not returned.

3) Dress Code

Male students should wear the approved uniform at all times. Omani boys in Grades Five and above also have the option of wearing Omani national dress; a white dishdasha, ma’ssar or kumma. Boys hair should be kept short. Students who arrive at school in incorrect clothing must report to the head of administration. Official school sportswear and sports shoes are mandatory during PE classes.

4) Code of Conduct

Every person is given enough support and guidance to learn about his/her rights and duties. There are clear rules for teachers, staff and students that govern every area: the classroom, the playground, the labs, the bus, etc. Everyone is responsible for themselves (administrators, teachers and students) and authority is always assigned with accountability. Good conduct is rewarded and offences are appropriately handled.

Students’ Roles for a Positive Learning Environment are:

  • Full attendance and punctuality.

  • Preparation for each class which consists of having an attitude to learn and the appropriate materials.

  • Proper attention to wearing the school uniform and personal cleanliness.

  • Respectful behavior towards others.

  • Obeying all school rules, including safety rules.